# The command line interface (CLI)

# Run the CLI

ls-lint [options] [file|dir]*

# Options

ls-lint provides multiple CLI options out of the box:

Option Description
--config ls-lint config file path(s)
--workdir change working directory before executing the given subcommand
--error-output-format use a specific error output format (text, json)
--debug write debug informations to stdout
--warn write lint errors to stdout instead of stderr (exit 0)
--version prints version information for ls-lint


ls-lint --help shows up all available options

# Extending configurations

The --config option provides a way to specify a custom path for your ls-lint configuration yml or yaml file:

ls-lint --config .ls-lint.(yml|yaml)

You can specify N --config options than can be merged together.

Imagine you want to have one global configuration for your company, but still want to have a configuration in your repository that can override or extend your base company configuration:

# company .ls-lint.yml base configuration

  .go: snake_case
  .js: kebab-case
  .ts: kebab-case

  - node_modules
# repository .ls-lint.yml configuration

    .vue: kebab-case

A good approach for sharing your company .ls-lint.yml base configuration would be a designated GitHub repository or NPM package.

With that being said, it's now possible to run ls-lint with a combination of both of your .ls-lint.yml configuration files:

ls-lint --config node_modules/@your-company/ls-lint-global-config/.ls-lint.yml --config .ls-lint.yml